It probably comes as no surprise to most Buda residents that mosquitoes are a big problem in Texas. Nothing can cut short a family barbecue on the patio quicker than a swarm of hungry mosquitoes. These insects are not just a nuisance but a serious health risk to you and your family.

Mosquitoes in our area can carry diseases such as eastern equine encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, West Nile virus, and Zika virus. They also infect our pets with deadly heartworm.

Keeping mosquitoes from invading your property is not an easy task. Contacting your local Buda pest control company is your best bet when it comes to effective mosquito control. The Paladin Pest Control experts have the experience needed to protect Buda residents from mosquito infestations.

Give us a call to learn about our safe and effective mosquito control solutions.

How Quickly Does A Mosquito Bite After Landing?


There haven’t been many studies done to determine the time it takes for a mosquito to bite. Mosquitoes do seem to know that they don’t have much time to get the job done. One scientific study at the Louis Pasteur Institute in Paris showed they don’t waste any time finding a spot to insert their blood-feeding proboscis.

But it was interesting to learn their flexible “mouthparts” move around quite a bit until they make it far enough into the skin to draw blood. Unfortunately, since the mosquito saliva acts as an anesthetic, you may not even know you’ve been bitten until after.

What Does A Mosquito Do After It Has Drawn Blood?


Female mosquitoes need blood from animals to reproduce. The blood has the iron and protein mosquitoes require to make and lay their eggs. Once the female is engorged, it will typically rest for a couple of days, lay eggs, and repeat the whole process.

Since the primary purpose of the blood is to produce eggs, only female mosquitoes bite humans. Male mosquitoes don’t bite. The males are an important member of the pollinating insect group that is crucial to our ecosystem.

Can Mosquitoes Live In Chlorinated Water?

A moderate amount of chlorine will not kill mosquitoes. If not properly treated, a swimming pool can be a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes. “Shocking” with chlorine in your pool on a regular basis has been found effective in keeping mosquitoes from using your pool for reproducing.

There are some disputed reports that using bleach in standing pools of water to kill mosquito larvae has been successful. But there is no documented proof backing this up. It is best to eliminate any pools of standing water to reduce the opportunity for females to lay their eggs on your property.

Total Mosquito Control For Buda Homes

There are popular items like scented candles, essential oils, and bug zappers that some people use as natural remedies for mosquitoes.

You can also implement plants that repel mosquitoes into your landscaping themes, such as citronella, catnip, and lemongrass. Mosquito control is a difficult task to accomplish on your own. Utilizing your local Buda pest control outfit is the best way to get rid of mosquitoes.

Paladin Pest Control is dedicated to protecting your home and your family from mosquitoes and other household pests. Our technicians are highly trained and certified in mosquito control.

Call us to find out about our mosquito treatment and prevention plans today.